
A string is a collection of characters/symbols inside quotation marks. Strings are interpreted by the computer as raw text.

You can use single quotes or double quotes for strings - either one is acceptable.

myFirstString = 'I am a string!' #single quotes
mySecondString = "Me too!" #double quotes

There are many built-in methods in Ruby for manipulating strings.

.length will give you the number of characters in a string.

"Hi!".length #is 3

.reverse will flip the string around.

"Hi!".reverse #is !iH

.upcase will make a string all caps.

"Hi!".upcase #is HI!

and .downcase will make a string all lowercase.

"Hi!".downcase #is hi!

You can also use many methods at once. They are solved from left to right.

"Hi!".downcase.reverse #is !ih

If you want to check if one string contains another string, you can use .include?.

"Happy Birthday!".include?("Happy")

The above code evaluates to true.


Take the given string and use methods to make the code print out "!edoc ma i !ih".

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